Happy Promise Day 2025 Wishes Messages & Quotes for Loved Ones

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Every year February 11 is marked as the day to celebrate the bond of promise and trust. Love is another name for the promises and that is why promise day is one important day in valentine’s week. Say your partner happy promise day in style with the exclusive promise day quotes. Promise to love your partner with our romantic collection of promise day SMS. Remember a beautiful promise to keep will solidify your love.

Love is not a liability but a beautiful emotion wrapped in responsibility, commitment and promise to keep forever. So, do not forget to wish your partner this promise day.

Happy Promise Day Wishes for Your Love :

Happy Promise Day Wishes
Happy Promise Day Wishes for Your Love

Promise day is celebrated on the fifth day of valentine’s week but the day is of utmost significance. Love comes handy with the promise so do not forget to promise your partner with the beautiful promise day quotes from our exclusive collection. Definitely your words of wisdom will make your partner fall in love with you even more.

This promise day make sure to promise your partner with amazing happy promise day ideas.

My promise of never leaving you is as true as gospel. Never let your worries trouble you for I’ll be there forever with you!
I Promise, I’ll never let you go! Happy promise day sweetheart!
I have a heart full of love for you, eyes full of thirst of you and mind full of thoughts of you. I’ll never let you go from me. Happy promise day!
I promise to complete your assignments on time always. But, don’t forget to bribe me with chocolates. Happy Promise Day!
I promise that I will never leave you no matter what. Happy Promise Day, sweetheart!
Happy Promise Day Wishes For Your Love
Happy Promise Day Wishes 2025
My love for you is true and nothing in this world can separate us. Happy Promise Day!
I Promise to make you happy forever. Happy promise day dear!
Our paths will never be different nor will it be divided. We will be together on every journey and in every destination. Happy promise day!
When I say I’ll be yours forever, it’s not a promise, it’s a fact. Wishing you a happy promise day my love!
In sickness or in health, I will always be your side. Happy Promise Day!
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes
If I am away you just need to close your eyes and feel me. I promise you will find me there. Happy Promise Day!
I would balance the work and personal life; I promise I would never give you a moment to complain. Happy promise Day!
From the bottom of my heart I want to make a promise that I will always love you and care for you till my last breath. Happy Promise Day!
I’ll always be there for you even if the whole world falls apart. It’s a promise I made right when I first met you. Happy promise day!
I PROMISE to LOVE you forever! Happy Promise Day Baby!
I’ll never find a reason for not loving you. That’s why I’ll never be brave enough to leave you. My love, happy promise day to you!
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes
  • Every breath I take is a guaranty for you that I’ll love you as long as I’m alive. Don’t let any other thoughts bother you.
  • I promise to always remind you that I am with you and I will always be in love with you. Happy Promise Day!
  • I promise my priority will always be “WE” in our relationship.Happy Promise Day!
  • I promise I will never let you go to bed hungry and angry.Happy Promise Day darling!
  • I promise you that you’ll be mine always!Happy Promise Day sweetheart!

Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Girlfriend :

Happy Promise Day for Girlfriend
Happy Promise Day for Girlfriend

Love will grow and get stronger, and this and every promise day we will blossom together. And, with such unique quotes, and special promise day wishes for girlfriend promise your love to her.

Your girlfriends’ needs a completely different treatment and thus our exclusive promise day images for girlfriend will let you send your emotions with more vibrancy. Say love to your girl in style.

No relation of the blood but bonded by the heart this is true essence of friendship. I don’t promise to let you in problem anytime. But I promise to face the problem together every time.
I promise to be yours forever, if you promise to be mine forever.
It is losers who break promises, real winners always keep their promises and become an example for all. Happy Promise Day!
I promise to love you with my soul & my body no matter How distanced we are you’ll always be mine.
Love is a commitment and also a promise. I promise to never let it disappear from our relationship. Happy Promise Day!
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Girlfriend
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Girlfriend
I promise that we won’t fall into boring routines and will keep our relationship fun and interesting.
I will always love you and keep you happy my sweetheart. I want to be with you in every happy and sad moment. Happy promise day.
I promise to show you every other day that how much I am in love with you. Happy Promise Day!
I will be a smile on your lips, the wind that plays with your hair, sparkle in your eyes and love in your heart. On this day I promise that I will be every reason for your happiness.
Promise Day Wishes Quotes For Girlfriend
I dreamt of someone who will complete my life. When I opened my eyes I saw you walking into my life. I promise that I will fulfill all your dreams make every dream come true.
I don’t want someone who promise me the moon and the stars. I want someone who promise to lay on the grass and watch them with me.
If you are cold at night, let the promise of my love cover you like a warm blanket
When you make a promise to the one you love it is meant to be kept. Happy Promise Day!
Promise Day Wishes For Girlfriend
Promise Day Wishes For Girlfriend
I promise that I will always love you and will never let you down. Happy Promise Day!
I wanna hug you so tight that you forget all your pains and worries. I promise to hold you forever and ever. Happy Promise Day!
My day ends in your arms and begins with your kiss. Promise me everything will be the same forever. Happy Promise Day!
I promise to never let you go hungry, angry and sad on bed. I promise I will never fight with you. Happy Promise Day!
I promise to share household chores like cooking, washing dishes and cleaning with you after our marriage. Happy Promise Day!

Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Boyfriend :

Happy Promise Day Wishes for Boyfriend

Promise your love forever. Promise day quotes for boyfriend will definitely make him feel special. Why miss an opportunity to wish your boyfriend this promise day when we have such an amazing collection of quotes.

Our promise day images for boyfriend definitely are the right way to promise your love to him. Your guy too needs your attention once in a while. Send your love, emotion filled images.

You’re my lottery to happiness. Thank God I’ve won it. I promise to love you and take care of you as long as I’m alive!
No matter what, I will follow the rainbow to the end and cross all the oceans if you promise to remain in my life, darling. Sending all my sweet love.
I promise “we” will always be my priority and I will always stand up for you. I will forever be your support system.
I promise to like most of your posts on social media, even the bad selfies. I love you more when you smile like an idiot, my idiot.
Happy Promise Day Quotes for Boyfriend
If one day u feel like crying, call me. I can’t promise to make u laugh, but I’ll b cry with u.
I swear 2 u on everything I’m and I dedicate 2 u all tht I have and I promise u tht I’ll stand right by ur side forever and always until da day I die..
I won’t promise 2be ur frnd 4ever bcz I won’t live that long. But let me b ur frnd as long as I live.
Love is the happiness of today,And promise of tomorrow, so this warm note comes to you, to say that live life with a heart full of love. Happy Promise Day
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Boyfriend
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Boyfriend
I Want To Be The Greatest Of Me, For This Is All I Can Do. It Is My Wish That You Promise Me This, You Be The Greatest Of You. Happy Promise Day
Don’t Promise Me The Moon Or The Stars..Just Promise Me.. You’ll Stay Under Them With Me.. Happy Promise Day
I want to be everything that you think of and you dream of. My promise today is that I’ll never let our paths be divided!
I promise to give you a life full of happiness and peace. I want to make you the happiest person in the world! Happy promise day!
Promise Day Wishes For Boyfriend
Promise Day Wishes For Boyfriend
We have a lot of dreams to fulfill together. I promise that I’ll do my part with the best I can do, always and forever.
Your smile is what I want to see every day and every season. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure this smile stays on. Happy promise day!
I cannot be more thankful for what you’ve given me. You deserve to be loved no matter what you do. Wishing you a happy promise day!

Promise Day Wishes Messages for Friends :

Promise Day Wishes For Friends
Promise Day Wishes For Friends

When your lovers get the promise filled words on promise day, why not your friends. Send your friends the words of promise with our exclusive promise day wishes for friends.

Dear Friend, I cannot promise that everything will be perfect, but I will never leave you no matter what happens. Happy promise day
I must have been born on an auspicious day to find a friend like you. I will follow you till the end and be with you. Happy promise day.
I Must Have Been Born Under A Lucky Star, To Find A Friend As Nice As You Are. I Will Follow The Rainbow To The End , If You Promise To Remain My Friend !!!
I will never let you go; if you ever go I’ll hold your hand and bring you back to fight with me daily. Happy Promise Day.
Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Friends
Promise Day Wishes Quotes for Friends
Promise me, you won’t forget our laughs, our jokes, our smiles, our conversations, our plans, our tears, our memories, our experiences, our friendship.
Dear friend, I cannot promise that I will solve all your problems, but I will standby you in every problem. Happy promise day.
Dear friend, you will be a part of every happy moment and joy. You will be special in my life. Happy promise day.
Promise me we are true friends I am lamp you are light I am Coke you are Sprite I am Sawan you are badal I am Normal you are Pagal I am Water you are Tanki I am Tarzan you are Monkey.
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes For Friends
Happy Promise Day Wishes Quotes For Friends

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